Philippine Youth Congress for Information Technology or Y4IT is an annual event here in the Philippines wherein students, educators, professionals and technology enthusiast gather to witness and listen to well-known speakers in the Information Technology field. It is organized by the University of the Philippines System Information Technology Foundation together with the Institution’s Information Technology Development Center. In this gathering of minds, people will discuss and share their ideas as well as innovations. Included in the list of featured speakers for this year’s Y4iT are international practitioners Wendy Gorton of Google, Danny Castonguay of Kalibrr, Johan Janssens of Timble, Markku Kero of Job and Esther Technologies, Christy Book-Tsang of Linux Professional Institute (Asia Pacific), and Bebo White of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (a US national laboratory based in Stanford University). Participants will be able to engage in lively discussions with them regarding...
"Whatever happens tomorrow, we've had today" -Emma, One Day